November 9, 2023
Ohio Priest Sentenced to Life in Prison for Sex-Trafficking Boys
November 19, 2023Margaret “Marge” Graf – The Devil’s Advocate
In early 2002 before the Boston Globe started publishing reports of thousands of cases of clergy members abusing children and the cover-ups, bishops around the United States started panicking. What happened in Boston happened in almost every diocese and bishops needed a plan to stay out of jail. In Los Angeles, the problem was many times larger, and Cardinal Roger Mahony needed more than a plan, he needed a team of loyal priests and attorneys that would help him destroy evidence, hide the perpetrators, and plan the cover-ups. He was facing several life sentences for being a co-conspirator and for abusing and raping children himself.
Mahony needed a loyal bulldog by his side. Mahony needed someone who would do anything and everything to protect him in the courts of law and in the public view. He needed a heartless, fearless, soulless monster that would not hesitate and destroy the victims, intimidate the witnesses, and cozy up to politicians who had the power to put him behind bars. Mahony found the perfect person for the job. A short, fat, ugly, nerdy, full of complexes, sociopath, and otherwise unemployable attorney. He found Margaret “Marge” Graf. Graf was all that Mahony needed then and still needs up to today. Graf also came with many other perks for Mahony. According to several sources, Graf is bisexual and an abusive degenerate.

But wait… There is more! Graf had a feminine son and a masculine daughter. Allegedly the son, Matthew Graf, a gay man now “married” to another man, grew very fond of Mahony (“Uncle Roger”), and are still “very close”. Graf would not only be Mahony’s perfect attack bulldog, but she would also understand and sympathize with Mahony’s sexual depravities.
Fast forward to 2023 and Margaret Graf is the second most powerful person in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, right behind Mahony. Graf, under the direction of Mahony, controls the finances, the personnel in administration, every clergy member, parish and affiliated schools, charities, hospitals, the seminary, and even the cemeteries. Graf is at the center of every major event, public mass, ordination, and fundraising. Graf controls the travel budgets of the archbishop, auxiliary bishops, and admin personnel. Every single department in the Archdiocese reports to her.
“Marge” Graf is also the highest-paid employee of any Archdiocese in America.
Today, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is facing over 5000 new child abuse lawsuits. All these lawsuits have been certified and approved by the Los Angeles Superior Court. They are real. Graf is overseeing the procedures and files of every single one of them as she is intimately familiar with the perpetrators as she protected a large number of them through the years. Especially the lawsuits naming Mahony as the rapist or co-conspirator. She is actively and tirelessly interviewing witnesses and we learned that she is paying upwards of $125,000 to individuals who give her information about the victims suing Mahony. With a checkbook of over $70 million dollars at her disposal, Graf can afford to do this and more. She hired a team of over 7 retired FBI agents to work for her. These “canonical investigators” are in charge of finding dirt and intimidating the victims.
They are not investigating the perpetrators, they are investigating and intimidating the victims. One of our sources, a man that Mahony raped, tells us that he is being followed since he filed the lawsuit. Graf and her team have obtained the victim’s medical, school, and financial records. Graf would not hesitate and destroy anyone who goes after her beloved master Mahony.

At this point, it would be fair to ask about Archbishop Jose Gomez and his role in all of this. Several sources inside the Archdiocese tell us that Gomez’ is nothing but a finger-puppet that obeys Mahony and bows to Graf. Allegedly a homosexual himself, Gomez also relies on the legal and public protection that Graf and her team give him. According to our sources, Gomez cannot do anything without Graf’s permission. Gomez lives with a “priest” nicknamed “La Chaparrita” (the short girl) and Graf holds this over his head.
Graf is very quick at firing priests who have heterosexual relations or speak against the Church’s immoral acts. It took her less than a week to fire Father Juan Cano for having “inappropriate conduct with female parishioners.” In less than 24 hours, she got rid of Father Juan Carlos Gavancho for preaching a sermon denouncing clergy abuse.
Graf, on the other hand, would do anything to protect the homosexuals. She has allowed Marcos Durazo to remain the rector of St. John’s Seminary even after proven allegations of multiple rapes of seminarians. Allegedly Graf has paid off at least two of Durazo’s victims and promoted Durazo’s boyfriend, Gerson Espinosa to director of Youth Ministry in the diocese of Monterrey. Graf allowed Durazo to keep his job and continue abusing seminarians. Graf promoted Fr. Michael Mesa to Associate Pastor and Master of Ceremonies for the Archbishop while Mesa is in an alleged homosexual relationship with another priest, Justin Oh. Graf allowed Bishop Robert Barron to remain in the diocese for many months after Clean the Church reported that Barron was paying his boyfriend a yearly salary of over $200,000.

Graf made another alleged homosexual, Brian Nunes a Bishop. Nunes was Graf’s fall guy while Nunes held the title of Vice-Chancellor and Vicar General of the Archdiocese. Basically, Graf would negotiate payouts to victims and witnesses and Nunes would sign the agreements and the checks without even meeting the people he was paying off. We have reports of tens of other cases of homosexual priests that Graf has protected and promoted. Graf was responsible for all lawsuits and settlements since 2002 and she oversees the team of outside attorneys defending the Archdiocese.

The fact that her boss, the criminal that made her rich, Roger Mahony is a homosexual, and her own son Mathew Graf is a homosexual, may be the determining factor as to why she will defend an sympathize with the homosexual and not heterosexual priests.
Graf has also worked very hard in hiding the fact that Mahony has been living with HIV for over 20 years. According to sources at both the LA Cathedral and St. Charles Borromeo, where Mahony lives, she is personally responsible for fulfilling his prescription of Tenofovir alafenamide and other HIV vitamins and medicines and arranging Mahony’s first-class travel to Colombia to get “treatments” every six months.
We were not able to corroborate a report that Roger Mahony, officiated the “wedding” of Graf’s son to another man, but we have no doubt that is entirely possible.
So, who is Margaret “Marge” Graf? Based on the evidence, the mastermind coordinating the protection of child and sexual abusers in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and other dioceses around the country.
Margaret Graf a member of the elitist organization, Knights of Malta lives in a $ 5 million mansion (463 N Las Palmas Ave Los Angeles, CA 90004) in one of the most exclusive and expensive areas of Los Angeles. Defending evil has paid off for Graf.
Please contact this person and ask her to resign and leave all the files behind. We will be praying for an honest, Catholic person to take over her job and do the right thing.
Margaret Graf: 213-637-7511
3424 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90010-2241

This woman smell like sulfur.
Marge walks into meetings like she is the queen of England. “I am the Archbishop’s attorney,” she says.
Her passive-aggressive voice is beyond scary and creepy. Yes, she looks at young girls as if they are pieces of meat.
This article is spot-on but many details are missing and it is way too soft. Marge is the devil incarnate.
Finally, someone calls out and exposes this evil woman! She needs to get out of the Archdiocese. She is too old and too evil.
Thank you, thank you for exposing evil. Keep it up guys!
I wonder how much money has been paid to Graf’s own victims. I know several secretaries have sued her for harassment including sexual harassment.
This whole LA mess mirrors the terroristic
tactics of the Vatican.
These people will get their due, but I I wish it were sooner rather than later.
Has she sold her soul for money?…Looking at her, all I see is a contemptible, sinister…wicked little crone…who may very well be in league with the “prince of darkness”. Her visage is diabolical, and her perverse efforts to champion pedophiles and rapists are well known. For years she has contrived to protect these fiends from certain exposure and inevitable incarceration. Her lies, and treachery have no restrictions. She is a champion of darkness and presents as antisocial and venomous. Even the most deadly serpent can be controlled though…I believe the devil may very well be her spiritual director…and perditions flame 🔥 shall be her eternal reward.
Mahony and Marge hooked up some time ago. She is the evil henchwoman who seems to do his sinister bidding. I wonder if Mahony and Marge believe in Hell? Do they not understand that when you protect pedophile rapists who sport a Roman collar, you are now in league with “the prince of darkness”? I wonder if Mahony is a 32 degree Mason? I also wonder if Marge practices “ the black arts”? Undoubtedly these are two very nefarious and diabolical figures…the state of their immortal souls hangs in the balance…she certainly looks very evil. Well, so does Mahoney for that matter
Well, well, well…so old Rog and his sinister crone have “canonical investigators “ at their disposal? I was always of the opinion these types of investigators were to investigate corrupt clerics, guess I was wrong? Instead, these 🤡 are harassing the “victims” and plaintiffs who have lawyered up, because they were molested by gay “ fake” priests some time ago. My, my,..Mahony…does your diabolism have any restraint? Bad enough these poor souls suffered horribly and shamefully at the hands of your vile clerics…now you subject them to further misery and harassment. That will only compound yours and Marges fiery pains you will both embrace once you two arrive in Hades, for your eternal holiday…These investigators are all former FBI and law enforcement…interesting? One of my good friends was with LAPD for years, and another with the LA County Sheriff’s Department. In fact, we were colleagues and worked for the government together for a number of years. Usually when you meet relatively young to middle age former LE, they are usually doing this type of Mickey Mouse PI and surveillance work, because they are malcontents who couldn’t cut it for 20 years, because they were rotten apples who probably should never have gone through the academy. Even the FBI and LAPD have turned out a few “goofs”, and these investigators who are paid to stalk victims of clerical crimes is really the worst, scummiest barrel of the bottom job for “fuckups” like this. I’ve eaten many a lunch at the Academy in Chavez Ravine, and believe me, the LAPD is the “A team” when it comes to police departments in this nation. This is an outstanding website…keep these slimy evildoers on the move.
They claimed in a settlement they were paying me for the abuse of homosexual predator Monsignor Lawrence J. Gibson. Two weeks later they lied to the parishioners at every Sunday Mass telling them Gibson was innocent making him a priest in good standing. They are notorious for paying out settlements and protecting the reputations of predator priests. Mahony and Graf have been doing this for years. Newly elected Bishop Nunes signed my settlement knowing it was totally fraudulent.
The Feds need to raid the Archdiocese offices and handcuff all of them.
Indulge…look up “people vs Packard” 1982 case under Find Law. Here you will read a court transcript, and legal documents describing in detail Brother Augustine’s sinister, antisocial history from a legal perspective. It filled in some holes for me, brought things into greater focus and clarity. This “bum” worked for Paramount Studios, and was involved in some “script scam” whereby he was collecting money as an embezzler and “arch-thief”, while he was destroying submitted scripts that were submitted to the studio for review, sabotaging the studio’s efforts to review legitimate scripts, from talented hungry writers. He must have been very bitter and jealous to destroy this property, as he was such a pathetic loser at the studio, he had some low level “ Mickey Mouse” job, which must have infuriated him. This trial took place in 1982, and the court transcripts stated he robbed the studio for more than 100,000 dollars. Some of the data I read spoke of illegal use of alcohol, with a minor, and also not paying child support(?)…🤨 the prosecutor painted a picture that this cockroach was more than just a garden variety thief, but was a corrupt piece of 💩, that had a track record of runs ins with the law going back many years. I knew that he smoked pot, and used other controlled substances, and was also a notorious felon and scumbag. Brother Augustine Packard aka Freeman Gibbs Packard, was a professional conman and sociopath, with a history of criminal activity dating back to the 1970’s. I got bored reading about this creeps criminal past, as he lived his life as a total lie, which culminated in his gruesome murder in a seedy back alley in Santa Ana. Apparently he was cruising for gay sex and dope, and ran into an extremely dangerous, violent “trick”. He was throttled and strangled to death in the most gut wrenching manor. The stories he told me about his sinister past and introduction to “prison sex” was harrowing and chilling to say the least. For the life of me how and why this religious community accepted this miscreant is beyond me…
I must admit, I’ve read this spectacular feature story at least 9-10 times now, and it continues to give me a barrels worth of entertainment! One person referred to Marge an “the devil incarnate”. What a potent characterization of this ghoul. I almost wonder if this crone does indeed practice “the black arts”, she certainly looks the part…can’t stop laughing over the fact that old Rog has AIDS, that’s a riot!😆👍. Do these diabolical individuals honestly think they can live wicked lives like this and expect to gain the paradise of Heaven? I have never heard Mahony speak out with sorrow and anguish for those innocent children that were molested by his pederast “homosexual” priests. He only seems furious and bitter, because he has lost the respect of the masses, and nobody likes him, as he’s perceived as the man who subjected countless children and young adults to the abuse terror of rape and defilement. I think this is what infuriates and frustrates so many people, is his blasé indifference and apathy toward those victims, whose numbers are legion. If he wants to do what’s right and change this shameful narrative, he needs to stop ✋🏼 protecting these evildoers, and should fire these parasites who cling to his tit, for MONEY! This would include Marge and the lice that are called “canonical investigators”. This man has no dread fear of Hell, in fact he probably doesn’t even believe in its existence. He better keep taking those HIV drugs, and a barrel full of vitamin C, because that disease 🦠 is gruesome and has no cure. The very fact he has AIDS tells you he’s “foul”! I was telling my wife about this wonderful expose you wrote, and told her that Mahony was infected with HIV, according to the revelations in this article. She said “well maybe he had a blood transfusion, or was shooting up drugs”…I told her, NO!, he got it only one way…the gay way! I knew a woman who died at the Saint John of God Care Center, she was a nice, but tough old broad who chain smoked unfiltered camels, and drank vodka on the rocks. She had a gay son, who was a priest that died from AIDS, and lesbian daughter who was a sister that taught religion courses at Mount Saint Mary’s near USC, at the Doheny Campus. I cannot believe all the gut wrenching, shocking, scandalous activity that has come to light. It really does sadden me, and it almost drives one to a depressed state of ideation. I realize I shouldn’t mock Mahoney, I need to pray 🙏 for him and even this nutcase Marge…I’m just so tired of the hypocrisy of these fake priests and religious brothers and nuns. If you want to pursue gay sex, then get the heck out, and stop living a lie and being a source of grave scandal to the laity. Roger never should have become a priest, he’s a fake, and it’s obvious in the way he has lived his sordid, shameful life.
The seminary rector’s boy friend is now a priest in Monterey. I’m sure he will be
a bishop some day. The road is paved. He hangs in all the right groups.
Margaret Graf is a very nice lady who was willing to help me and offered to get me some help, but I turned down the offer. She said if I change my mind to let her know, so when I read these ugly comments about her, it is hard to believe that any of this is true. She was willing to help out of the kindness of her heart. So, for all you good Catholics, maybe you can look back on some of the things you have done that were wrong and put yourself in her shoes. I don’t think you would like being attacked like she has been. I bet every one of you has some skeletons in your closet. No one here is perfect, not even myself, so maybe you can find it in your heart to take down your post maybe it may even make you feel better about yourself that you did the right thing.
Michael, please pull your head out of your arse senor! Marge was, and is not good! This rotten attorney spent years covering up for pedophile clerics in the archdiocese of Los Angeles. Good? …Good people have a conscience and don’t sell their soul for a fat paycheck…it would be one thing if she did virtuous, noble things for the archdiocese, but…sadly in her case she ran counterclockwise to all that was virtuous and good…she was given a green light, and stalked the litigants, dispatching private investigators to intimidate and harass these already traumatized victims. All of these sinister efforts and machinations were for naught, as the litigants who were molested by Cdl Balony all received monies, due to the “ hair raising” and diabolical molestation they endured at the hands of this social deviant. You savvy?…
Sorry . Micheal the post stays up you little sock puppet 🤡
I’m going to let you have your moment. You’re playing the tough guy behind your computer, because you wouldn’t say that to me face to face. So go ahead and reply with something else, tough guy or may I say little puppet. You must not wear the pants in the family, so you get behind your computer to validate that you’re still a man. I can’t waste my time on this website so goodbye puppet.