Bishop Robert C. Morlino’s letter to the faithful regarding the ongoing sexual abuse crisis in the Church
October 25, 2021
Mahony’s Cronies – Very active at the St. Johns Seminary Today November 5, 2021
November 5, 2021St. John’s Seminary, a Cesspool of Corruption and Homosexual Depredation
After almost 3 years of investigation, and tens of interviews with current and past seminarians, we have concluded that the St. John’s Seminary is and has been a cesspool of corruption and homosexual activity for years and years. This is a current problem. Archbishop Jose Gomez is aware and has done nothing to stop this. Instead, Gomez placed a known homosexual predator as rector, “Fr.” Marco Durazo.
We are preparing a full report, but in the meantime, here are some of our disturbing findings:
- The current rector, “Fr” Marco Durazo is an alleged homosexual predator that has had several sexual relationships with seminarians. Seminarians that don’t comply with his sexual propositions are dismissed from the seminary and placed in a blacklist.
- One of Durazo’s alleged boyfriends, one “Fr.” Gerson Espinosa Velasco was ordained a couple of years ago by Archbishop Jose Gomez and is now the Youth Ministry Director for the Diocese of Monterrey, California
- It is alleged that Espinosa raped one or more seminarians. An investigation is ongoing.
- We reported our findings to the Diocese of Monterrey, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Apostolic Nuncio in March of 2021. NOTHING has been done. Durazo continues to be the seminary rector and Espinoza continues to be the Youth Director of the Diocese of Monterrey, California.
- A lawsuit under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) was filled accusing the Seminary, Criminal Cardinal Roger Mahony and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
- It is also alleged that criminal “cardinal” Roger Mahony is a frequent visitor of the Seminary and likes to take seminarians home. Over 1,800 sexual abuse lawsuits have been filled against the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. 90% of these lawsuits mention criminal Roger Mahony as a co-conspirator, and at least 5 name him as the predator and child rapist. Mahony continues to be a “priest in good standing”.
Unfortunately, and sadly, we are only scratching the surface. More to come!
Gerson Espinosa Velasco alleged rapist An alleged homosexual predator, Gerson Espinosa Marco Durazo a Homosexual Predator Fr Marco Durazo is the Rector of the St Johns Seminary in Los Angeles, California
You are such fools in your reporting. Do your homework please! Because of people like you no one takes this cases seriously. You have all the names wrong and information about where the priests mentioned in the above article we’re ordained. You have it all wrong hence no one will believe you.
Sincerely, a former St. John’s Semimarian.
So, we spelled Espinosa with a “Z” instead of an “S”… Please tell us what you know. Are you part of the problem and the cover ups?
This comment is from another hidden gay for sure! who wants to be anonymous; I know Marco Durazo he is so gay with very bad habits
What you are posting about Fr. Marco and Fr. Gerson is wrong, without foundations, and proof. You are using false names and Facebook accounts to approach these people and make them fall. That is sick. I heard that The Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Diocese of Monterey are working to take legal procedures to know who is behind of all these lies and smears. If I were you, I would be worried.
Well, we welcome their “legal action.” Discovery and depositions of these sodomites will be very informative. Now, who are you? According to your IP address, you posted this comment from Cali Colombia Departamento del Valle del Cauca. IP address:
He probably is one of the gay seminarians from Colombia, who is a champion of this subterfuge and misconduct. He’s just a little coward making noises from his cartel. 🤣
This is not true, Fr. Marco has integrity!
I was a religious brother in the Church for 7 years. It was a religious community replete with “flaming homosexuals “, many seeking gay hustles and beyond. A handful of queens were in a “power sharing” rotation. Each when would be in power for 3 years, than his gay crony would take over, and than 3 years later another fruit would be in power. These brazen, worldly sensualists were dyed in the wool voluptuaries…did you guys get that?…”volutuaries”…men consumed with worldly pleasures. Good food, nice new threads, new swanky foreign sedans with dual exhaust, they loved the performance models. And with brazen over the top hypocrisy, they blatantly disposed of their vows of poverty chastity, and even obedience. They were disgusting frauds, who mocked the beautiful countercultural vocation of a monastic, religious life! One of these demented brothers was a convicted felon and drug addict, who was murdered in Santa Ana while cruising for “gay sex” in the wee hours of the morning in a seedy back alley. The Santa Ana police have never caught the perpetrator of this scandalous murder. His cause of death was listed as “asphyxiation”…in other words this deranged scumbag was throttled, and strangled to death! He was suffocated by some gay maniac who robbed and killed him. When the truth is this ugly…only a lie can be beautiful
In a perfect society men like Roger Mahony would be in prison where they belong, after they are defrocked for the grave harm
They have done to the church and it’s members…especially it’s most vulnerable, due to apathy and entitlement.
The religious community of Brothers I am referring to are in healthcare. The community I was part of was laden with homosexuals. One of these maggots was a registered nurse named Brother Richard Gaule, O.H.. This “shuffling pile of lice”, was a registered nurse, who had to surrender his nursing license in California for groping a male patient in Ventura. He fondled this guys privates and got busted! He was stripped of his nurse license, and served this community as its vocation director for many years. This “human stain”, was and is as queer as a 9 dollar bill. I knew this cockroach for many years. I think he’s in hiding, or was shipped back to Ireland. He has lived in Ojai, Ventura, Los Angeles and Apple Valley.