Homosexuals are infesting the priesthood
November 4, 2023
Margaret “Marge” Graf – Mahony’s Attorney
This is a very good thoughtful letter from a longstanding priest to the bishops of the USA.
He reprimands them for:
1. Living in remote palaces and not being out among the people.
2. Their wealthy lifestyles.
3. Covering up for bad priests.
His accusations could be laid against the bishops of Ireland and many other places.
“Father Michael Briese, who was ordained by the now-disgraced Cdl. Donald Wuerl, faced suspension by Cdl. Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C., after Briese confronted him over the reinstatement of Fr. Adam Park into ministry. Park had been implicated in a lawsuit for allegedly preying on seminarians at the North American College (NAC) in Rome. Briese also raised questions about the $2,012,639 that Gregory had allocated to Wuerl in a single year for so-called ministerial duties and sought responses to claims concerning Gregory’s alleged involvement in homosexual relationships during his tenure in Atlanta, where he reportedly acquired the nickname “the African Queen.”
My dear brothers in Christ,
This heartfelt message is deeply embedded in my fifty plus year old venture, all throughout my one lifetime; as I have pursued my lifelong search and desire to obtain a greater personal awareness, understanding and deep abiding love for our Savior Jesus Christ. As I have sought to live out each Divinely created and gifted holy hour, I seek to remain keenly aware of our beloved Savior’s presence throughout each passing hour and day.

I too, like other broken and imperfect human beings—-most notable are our Church clergy—-still awaken more than keenly determined to go out into this very real and suffering world in search of Christ. Where do I find the Christ most often? Our Lord is right in front of you and me and all who seek to find our dear Lord. He was born poor, lived poor and died owning nothing. Let us ask, “How am I and how are you living the Gospel this very day?
Remember, as bishops and countless priests we have housing at no expense. We have ample provisions and offers of foods. Others pay for us to travel overseas at only a minimal cost, if any to clergy. Some of our priests enjoy wealth, even great wealth. Is this what Christ wants for his clergy?
As my bishops here in the United States and as a 67 year old priest who has already spent more than thirty years walking in the presence of the poor, I need YOU and all Catholic priests and laity to recall that Pope Francis wants us out of our rectories and offices serving the poor, vulnerable and estranged peoples in our midst. Get out from behind that office desk. Walk away from your office. Walk humbly in the very world where the peoples of God teach us. So many poor and lay people live lives which exemplify a life of Christ lived out by a person walking in a humble spirit of service unto the least among us.
You are our Catholic bishops! But most of you seem to be living lives of privilege and amid the rich and powerful. Why? Christ did not live like some rich merchant!
In summary, here is what our current U S Bishops mean to most Americans:
Our Roman Catholic Church here in America is dominated and led by very powerful and influential bishops who control trillions of vast wealth in today’s America. They flaunt their powers and do not place any personal emphasis on living a modest life in service to the least among us. Far too many of our current bishops are pompous, indifferent and prefer to remain aloof, out of touch and estranged from the people of God. Our Americans are seen as preferring wealth and power over human lives.
Thus tragedy is clearly sustained by these past six or seven decades when many of today’s RC bishops participated in child molestation,ms, acts of rape, homosexual relationships with various men, some adulterous relationships or bisexual practices. In these past five decades far too many bishops kissed up to their own bishops by staying quiet, denying truths, destroying evidence, lying and publicly destroying the victims and their families.
These might be men possessed with the title of Bishop. Today with all the facts out here hundreds of past and current American RC Bishops are men whose evil has destroyed the credibility of the RC Church. Over forty million Catholics no longer practice our great ancient Faith. Why??? Sex, Power and Money!
My dear RC Bishops, you have brought the wrath of of God upon you and our Church. Any faithful Catholic is now called by God to speak up, to speak out in the Public Square, or to speak loudly in ways that will contribute to investigating, prosecuting and jailing convicted US Roman Catholic bishops and their corrupt religious mafia of ordained criminal cohorts.
As US RC Bishops and Archbishops, you already know that the greatest and most powerful bishops are the archbishops and Cardinals leading wealthy Archdioceses. As all of you American bishops know, some of our most promiscuous ordained homosexual rapists and cover-up American archbishops preside over such notable places as Washington DC, New York City, Chicago, Newark NJ, and San Diego. They more so than not are often privileged men whose own sexual development is obviously incomplete and thus immature. Their personal moral development is too often immature and does not reflect mature thoughtful and reflective Catholic foundational morals. You are our bishops. You have a grave, destructive and even an evil understanding of priesthood. You are NOT our King. He has holes in his wrists. You do not. You are to be servants unto other people. We are not here as your servants! The people of God and thousands of your priests deserve to have faithful, honest and moral men as our bishops. In closing, here is some sound practical advice: Keep your pants zippers shut! Stop paying billions in average hard working peoples monies to hide and pay off the sexual abuse and rape cases. Stop eating out at expensive places. Forego places like the Kennedy Center and give away your golf clubs. You are to imitate our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Live simply. Walk among the poor. Invite the poor over for dinner and ask if you can stay over at their modest homes. Pray more! For those among our modern episcopacy, leave the priesthood uf you cannot or will not live by your public promise or vow of celibacy! Walk away! You have done enough damage to our one holy, Catholic and apostolic RC Church! Stop covering up, denying and lying to all of society. You together are an historically noteworthy body of ordained organized criminals. This is your greatest mark in the history of our ancient Roman Catholic Church in America. Your names will fill our history books in ways most unfitting for any decent man of goodness.
I can only pray that our dear Lord will grant an abundance of mercy upon your wretched souls. For too many of you, when you die, you clearly have reservations in the same hotspot where Uncle Teddy will find his eternally wretched and burning evil place. In closing, I still believe the goodness of our Lord and the ways of God shall in many decades prevail over the wretched evil thrust upon America by ordained rapists, molesters and other criminals.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please pray for me and all priests and all people. AMEN.