The Evildoers Responsible For The Child Sexual Abuse Cover-Ups and In Charge of Protecting Criminals In The Clergy at The Archdiocese Of Los Angeles
February 11, 2023
San Diego Roman Catholic diocese ponders bankruptcy with sex-abuse lawsuits pending
February 13, 2023As anticipated, the first of many lawsuit naming disgraced, corrupt and criminal Cardinal Roger Mahony as the abuser was filed in in Los Angeles Superior Court on April 19, 2021. Mahony was personally given a copy of the complaint at his house on May 1, 2021.
Take a look at the complaint. Warning, the acts committed by this monster as described on the complaint are quite disturbing. Click here to view
Here is the video of Mahony getting served at his house on 10835 Bloomfield St North Hollywood CA 91602 on May 1, 2021 at 12:50pm.
What irks me, especially as a Catholic, is that men like Roger Mahoney are not in jail and that the Catholic Church is still harboring them. I just came back to the church after decades of not practicing. It is really hard to believe anything a priest says especially when they have been so reluctant to speak out against the EVIL the Democrat party has been perpetuating on the American people. Maybe Evangelicals are right in their assertion that the Catholic Church is EVIL.
Mahony is a “priest in good standing” and he truly believes that he has done nothing wrong. According to statements from priests and seminarians in Los Angeles, Mahony is a homosexual predator.
The Church is holy but it currently has a rat infestation. We have to get rid of them.
Amen !
Amen !
I agree, Cardinal Mahony is as bad as they come. This evildoer should have gone to jail…where he belongs
Yes ! Yes ! Yes !
Jail time. Mahony has disgraced ALL GOOD CATHOLICS.
Wow that the powers that be, allow him such continued power and authority!
The complaints weren’t visible! I guess his cagey lawyers found a way to block the allegations that were enumerated in the lawsuit from being accessed by viewers of this site. “When the truth is so ugly…only a lie can be beautiful “…
Autumn 2023, Mahony conducting his guilty-self, as if he has done nothing wrong !!! Arrogance and hubris.
Full rights and privileges, lecturing to the parish.
Giving communion!!! Reconciliation! Homily’s. Collections $$$
Blocking good priests from healing the flock.
I’m ashamed to be Catholic.
Justice needs to be served. He needs to go quietly into full, silent, retirement.
I enjoyed reading the expose on disgraced Cardinal Mahoney, in the “ devils advocate” feature. I had no idea Mahoney also had AIDS! LMAO! Really doesn’t surprise me at all…so Marge gets to go to Rite Aid and pick up old Rog’s antiviral drugs, along with vitamins and other drugs to help keep this deviant chugging along. Guess he ran into a few bad “starfish” along the way. My gosh, the scandal and vile nature of this clown just does not stop. He was just out of control for yeeeears, going haywire with misconduct and malfeasance for years and years. How did this nutcase ever get ordained, and rise to become a Cardinal no less? I read that he has a twin brother and identical twin at that. Allegedly he’s a plumber in Newberry Park and Thousand Oaks. I wonder if he ever dresses up like Rog, to fake people out…even lawyers and disgruntled parishioners? Ain’t that a kick in the head?
Yikes, the thought of a twin of Mahoney is frightening.
Weeeell..,chicken came home to roost! 880million Roger? Just WOW! You better pass out those collection plates rapido! Mucho times! 1.5 billion payout since 2007, and it’s still not over? My, my , my…did it ever dawn on you to stop ordaining homosexuals into the ministerial priesthood? You know these degenerates are going to go prowling around for young guys, because they are not only “ queens”, they are degenerate pedophiles. They are sexual deviants and miscreants, that YOU personally ordained! Do you feel any personal responsibility for ordaining maggots like Mike Baker, and a bumper crop of other miscreants, who sported a Roman collar under your watch? Just disgusting. Almost to repulsive and shameful for words.