BREAKING: Archbishop Viganò accuses Pope Francis of ‘the same abuses’ as Cardinal McCarrick
May 30, 2024
July 15, 2024Abused Seminarians Betrayed by a Church They Trusted
June 16, 2024 As clergy sex abuse victims mark the six-year anniversary of when ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick was outed in the media as a predator who abused seminarians and minors, Church leaders are facing renewed scrutiny as abuses and cover-ups soar in Catholic seminaries.
In a new investigative report, “Who Will Save Our Seminarians?” prelates who in 2018 pledged “never again” are confronted with fresh scathing evidence that bishops and seminary leaders who were reported for sexually abusing seminarians remain unpunished and continue to oversee dioceses and seminaries.
The investigative report may be found at: https://youtu.be/ZZGU4EwL47U
As calls grow for accused clergy to be defrocked, the video report probes questions about which Catholics have been left in the dark, such as:
- “Is the current bishop of my diocese a predator like ex-Cardinal McCarrick who sexually exploited seminarians, or is he covering up their abuse?”
- “How many bishops today have yet to be disciplined after facing credible sex abuse or cover-up allegations?”
- “What seminaries are still headed by priests who are subjects of seminarian abuse complaints?”
- “Are priests still ministering in my diocese after being reported for abusing seminarians or engaging in homosexual misconduct?”
The video report disproves Church officials who claim that seminary abuses and cover-ups are “a thing of the past” by revealing first-hand accounts of abuse; detailed sworn testimony; and compelling documentary evidence, including newly-released screenshots from an accused predator priest’s Grindr dating app account.
As victimized seminarians find themselves (and not their predators) ousted because they reported abuse to Church leaders, a growing number of abuse survivors are forced to turn to the legal system for protection. In a Church where Pope Francis continues to reign over some 1.2 billion Catholics without denying accusations that he himself sexually abused seminarians, victims’ advocates observe that there is no one left in the hierarchy who will stand up for seminarians. Seminary abuse experts are pointing to an ongoing sex abuse lawsuit against New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan and North American College (NAC) seminary leaders as “the last chance of seminarians to secure protections which are unavailable to them within the Church” given the overwhelming graphic evidence against the defendants and the more than 30 prelates who covered up for them. As priestly vocations continue to plunge and good seminarians are discarded by superiors who are “preying on” rather than “praying for” vocations, more and more faithful Catholics are left to question, “Who will save our seminarians?”
Anyone wishing to support seminarians who are victims of abuses and cover-ups is invited to contribute to the “Save Our Seminarians Fund” at: https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-our-seminarians-fund
Gene Thomas Gomulka is a sexual abuse victims’ advocate, investigative reporter, and screenwriter. A former Navy (O6) Captain/Chaplain, seminary instructor, and diocesan respect life director, Gomulka was ordained a priest for the Altoona-Johnstown diocese and later made a Prelate of Honor (Monsignor) by St. John Paul II. Follow Gene Gomulka on YouTube or email him at msgr.investigations@gmail.com.
I remember talking to Brother Richard Gaule aka John Francis Gaule of Ventura California, by way of Ireland. 🇮🇪 he stated that he was “ so proud” of a gay Hospitaller brother named Bernard Derrie, who professed his triumphant 😤 “ homosexuality to the world, at a Brothers workshop back in the 90’s. Brother Bernard Derrie, I referred to as “Brother Bernard 🧚🏾♀️ Fairy”. He was another conman Hospitaller brother who was a “fruiter” from the Emerald Isle. He stood all of 5”2 and even looked the part of a gay little leprechaun. 🍀 The notorious Brother Richard Gaule, who was another “rotten” export from the Republic of Ireland, 🇮🇪 was busted for molesting a guy at the Ventura County Medical Center, before he had his nursing license revoked for being a pervert slimeball. This miscreant used to wear smoky tinted glasses 👓 everywhere because he was hiding 🙈 what he truly was…the smoky glasses were just an obvious extension of his sinister lifestyle, as he tried to appear as if he were in disguise. 🥸 He looked a little like the composite illustration of the notorious hijacker D.B. Cooper, only creepier. This stuff is so shockingly sordid and twisted, that even a person with a macabre, vivid sense of twisted humor, couldn’t make up such hair raising and toe curling stories. These are just some of the rotten eggs that the basket called the Emerald Isle, has barfed 🤮 out onto American soil. You can throw Mahony, McCarrick and Curry in this foul pot of Irish stew.
Msgr Gomulja’s article, “Who Will Save Our Seminarians” reminds the Catholic communities and should reiterate to our bishops that the appalling and devastating evil of mostly homosexual predation still persists in our seminaries. This sexual predation and criminal rape behavior should have no place in our seminaries, but far more important rapes by seminary faculty or administrative staff or seminarians is national in nature and thus merits coordinated police reviews and more current investigations. Sexual abuse of an adult in a “vulnerable population” is a crime. Often the raping of seminarians is as much an ego trip or power play on the part of the most often sexually abusive gay faculty or staff members.
Pray and PROTECT OUR SEMINARIANS from the rapes being carried out in RomanCatholic seminaries across America! We MUST protect not harm or rape human lives! Our Church teaches this. Law enforcement has the duty to protect all citizens, visitors or guests here in our communities. Investigate Catholic seminaries and one will discover numerous homosexual predation and rape victims. Justice is decades past due!
I commend this priest Father Briese, for coming forward. Sadly, his superiors very well may sanction him for being so candid and outspoken…and may try to cancel him, before he can share more intelligences that would further embarrass the hierarchy. The sordid reality of the ongoing perversion in the seminaries and religious communities has sadly continued to burgeon over the decades. Bergoglio has done little/or nothing to ameliorate this religious nightmare from extending its sinister tentacles even deeper into the heart of the church. Bergoglio now wishes to shape the consciousness of the laity, along with fellow Jesuit James Martin, to accept and even embrace the horror of sodomy and its twisted adherents. James Martin is a flaming homosexual, who has been the chief architect in crafting the diabolical declaration “fiducia supplicans” along with Bergoglio, who continues to pander to the practicing sodomites who indulge in this gravely sinful/disordered lifestyle. One could be led to despair…it would be so easy, to flake out totally and throw up your hands in surrender, saying…” okay, I give up…I surrender to the vanity and iniquity of the world”. I have struggled for years to deal with the hypocrisy and impiety that dwells within so many clerics, religious and bishops, who daily poison the church with lies, apathy, and proactive participation in many forms of sexual activity and corruption. Even typing this now seems so useless and futile. 😔
I cannot believe any young heterosexual man would ever stay in the seminary, but for a supernatural grace. Being surrounded by ravening young, hungry homosexuals, looking for “seminary hustles” must be terrifying to the green, newly indoctrinated seminarian. Imagine the horror of realizing you are a target and challenge for the seminarians and gay rectors, who want to “pop” your heterosexual! 🍒 it’s not said to elicit a humorous or facetious response! This is the grim, shocking reality many if not most straight seminarians are confronted with, however few they may be.