In 2013, Archbishop Gomez was disturbed about what Mahony did. Today, 2022, Mahony and his team are still “managing” all sex abuse cases in the Archdiocese.
October 24, 2022
BREAKING: Vatican Dismisses Father Frank Pavone From Priesthood
December 18, 2022As we anticipate a massive avalanche of media announcements by the end of the year and the beginning of 2023, it is important to highlight that Christ’s Church is still and will remain Holy.
Thousands of new, certified, validated child abuse cases will make the Church look like a cesspool of homosexual predators and pedophiles. Like a racketeer-influenced and corrupt organization. We will ALL pay for the actions and inactions of a small, group of evildoers in the Clergy that are still in charge.
In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the same small group of shady, corrupt, and evil people continue in control and doing the same things they have been doing for the past 30-40 years. Protecting their “brothers” in crime, cover-ups, witness intimidation, payouts to silence whistleblowers, and obliterating and discrediting the victims.
Please help His Church and demand that these criminals resign immediately. Including:
- Cardinal Roger Mahony (a homosexual predator accused of raping several teenage men and seminarians)
- Archbishop Jose Gomez
- Archdiocese Attorney Margaret Graf and her team of “investigators”
- Archdiocese’s CFO, Randy Steiner
- Outside attorney, Lee W Potts
- Outside attorney, J. Michael Hennigan
- Bishop Thomas Curry
We also pray for the good and holy priests that are suffering in silence. We pray for them to have the courage to speak up and stop obeying criminals.
In Christ,
Jerome Conway
For Clean the Church
St Peter Damian, pray for us!