Los Angeles Cardinal Hid Abuse, Files Show
May 1, 2021
Shocking New Allegations in Lawsuit against Cardinal Dolan and North American College – Over 30 U.S. and Vatican Bishops Implicated
June 29, 2021This is a lawsuit filled in the Los Angeles Superior Court. It is very clear that the facts on this complaint are based on facts and not allegations. Criminal Cardinal Roger Mahony DID protect pedophile priests and continues to be a “priest in good standing” further endangering children in the Catholic Church. Archbishop Jose Gomez is as guilty as Mahony.
You can read the entire complaint here (warning, material is disturbing)
This is an except:
Despite enabling pedophile priests for decades and ignoring known complaints of sexual misconduct by priests, MAHONY remains a priest with the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles (“RCALA”), who is permitted to give mass, and a Cardinal within the Catholic Church for which he continues to exert influence over church policy. In allowing MAHONY to remain a priest, the current Archbishop of RCALA, Archbishop Jose H. Gomez, ratified MAHONY’s conduct in allowing him to remain in a position of authority and continue to exert influence as a Cardinal within the Catholic Church. By allowing MAHONY to remain a priest and Cardinal, and not instituting formal proceedings through the Catholic Church and RCALA to remove MAHONY for actively hiding child molesters, including BAKER, within the RCALA. This decision of Archbishop Gomez is part-and-parcel of the poisonous pattern, practice and culture within RCALA to hide child molester priests.

1 Comment
Roger Mahony is truly a tragic, pathetic, broken figure, synonymous with apathy, negligence, incompetence and impiety.