When Those In Authority Ignore Those On The Ground
October 20, 2023
The Pope, the Bishops and the Blessing of Homosexual Unions
November 4, 2023In response to a LifeSiteNews question, Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP appeared to suggest that homosexuals could happily be priests providing they did not make their sexuality ‘the most important part of their identity.’
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Father Timothy Radcliffe, OP, the prominent pro-LGBT Dominican tasked with giving spiritual guidance to the Synod on Synodality, has reissued his prior defense of admitting those with homosexual tendencies to the seminary.
Radcliffe made his comments to LifeSiteNews during a press briefing on October 27 and appeared to suggest also that homosexuals could happily be priests providing they did not make their sexuality “the most important part of their identity.”
Fr. Radcliffe was former Master of the Dominican order from 1992 to 2001 and a consultor for the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace from 2015.
He was anointed by Pope Francis to be one of the spiritual experts providing spiritual talks to the Synod on Synodality during the October 2023 meetings.
The move caused controversy given his past record on homosexuality and the priesthood.
Shortly before the Vatican issued its 2005 document reaffirming the ban on admitting men with “homosexual tendencies” into seminaries, Radcliffe publicly objected to the predicted ban. Writing to the London Times, Radcliffe argued that “[a]ny deep-rooted prejudice against others, such as homophobia or misogyny, would be grounds for rejecting a candidate for the priesthood, but not their sexual orientation.”
Radcliffe argued in 2005 that if the upcoming document “were to contain such a ban (on men inclined to homosexuality), which is highly unlikely, most Catholics, at least in the West, would find it unacceptable.”
Then in an article for The Tablet, he said, “I have no doubt that God does call homosexuals to the priesthood, and they are among the most dedicated and impressive priests I have met.”
Clearly this old queen champions the ordination of homosexual seminarian, because he’s also a degenerate, who has been hiding in the closet for decades. He’s a priest who should have never been ordained. These are the maggots that continue to pollute the church with their vile ways, and depravity. He’s just another “fake” priest spreading his religious rat poison. Shocking…positively shocking
I sadly remember the conman and degenerate who went by the incongruent name of Brother Augustine Packard. This buffoons actual and “real” name was Freeman Gibbs Packard. He was an ex-con who slithered into religious life, masquerading for years as a Saint John of God Brother. He spent a number of years in the state penitentiary for grand theft and embezzlement, when he was working, and stealing for a large movie studio in Hollywood. This sociopath tried to get me to smoke marijuana with him on many occasions, and was savagely murdered in Santa Ana California when he was out cruising for gay sex or illicit street drugs, or both. His official cause of death was “asphyxiation “, which means he was strangled to death by a violent dangerous killer, undoubtedly he was trying to pick and solicit a very rough “trick”, in a garbage filled back alley in Santa Ana. His killer to my knowledge has never been apprehended. He lost any spiritual protection he had, because he was living a lie for years. He was just an old conman and hustler who found a group of monks to take care of him, while he pursued his antisocial and illegal interests, all the whole pretending to be a religious brother with the Hospitallers. He told me that in prison they called new inmates, “ new meat” and “chicken on the line”. He shockingly told me turned bisexual in the joint because he was forced to orally copulate a number of “brothers” who told him he either “gave out, or got knocked out”! These were some of the chilling and horrify tales he told me when he was masquerading as a religious brother.
I remember back in 1987, I visited the seminary in Camarillo, after speaking to the vocation director Father Laner. I had the misfortune of running into an older seminarian…he was wearing yellow dolphin shorts, had no shirt on and had gone on an afternoon run. He was bathed in sweat and what looked and smelled like cocoa oil which he was covered in. It was obvious he was working on his tan, and trying to flaunt his almost naked frame, as a source of temptation to the other gay seminarians. He was also clearly a flaming homosexual, when we spoke he was parroting a bunch of modernist, secular mumbo jumbo to impress me. My hopes are he never became ordained as he clearly was a grave scandal, and he was still attending the seminary. When I r pressed my alarm
To him, regarding his lack of appropriate dress, and how he scandalized me with his appearance, he became furious! He flat out told me “ the seminary is not a place for me and my pre Vatican II ideas about the Church and how modesty should be viewed and r pressed. Something tells me he was ultimately ordained, and probably died from AIDS. At this time, HIV was a scourge like the bubonic plague, only it targeted sodomites, and those who indulge in this perversion.
A gay priest with AIDS died at Saint Joseph’s in Ojai, he was frequently found urinating in the orange groves, and exhibiting totally bizarre behavior before he ultimately succumbed to this dreadful disease. 🦠 it’s tragic and harrowing that so many leaders and bishops within our Church never took a stand to weed out these homosexuals before ordination, as they have been a source of grave scandal and sacrilege to so much of the laity, even scandalizing potential converts, who were appalled at these individuals who ran amok and unrestrained by the superiors who were supposed to be forming them in the most important vocation upon this earth. So very sad and tragic