Criminal “Cardinal” Roger Mahony and other top Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles officials maneuvered behind the scenes to shield molester priests, provide damage control for the church and keep parishioners in the dark, according to church personnel files.
The confidential records filed in a lawsuit against the archdiocese disclose how the church handled abuse allegations for decades and also reveal dissent from a top Mahony aide who criticized his superiors for covering up allegations of abuse rather than protecting children….
Mahony received psychological reports on some priests that mentioned the possibility of many other victims, for example, but there is no indication that he or other church leaders investigated further.

Criminal Cdl Roger Mahony of Los Angeles is Served With Child-Abuse Lawsuit
Thousands of new, certified child abuse lawsuits name Mahony as the perpetrator or co-conspirator
Man Sues Archdiocese of Los Angeles & Criminal Roger Mahony Over Child Abuse Claims Against Priest
Documents show Cardinal Roger Mahony hid priest sex abuse, report says