Shocking New Allegations in Lawsuit against Cardinal Dolan and North American College – Over 30 U.S. and Vatican Bishops Implicated
June 29, 2021
Ex-Cardinal McCarrick charged with sexually assaulting teen
July 29, 2021Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill, former general secretary of the U.S. bishops’ conference, announced his resignation Tuesday, after The Pillar found evidence the priest engaged in serial sexual misconduct, while he held a critical oversight role in the Catholic Church’s response to the recent spate of sexual abuse and misconduct scandals.
“It is with sadness that I inform you that Msgr. Jeffrey Burrill has resigned as General Secretary of the Conference,” Archbishop Jose Gomez wrote July 20 in a memo to U.S. bishops.
“On Monday, we became aware of impending media reports alleging possible improper behavior by Msgr. Burrill. What was shared with us did not include allegations of misconduct with minors. However, in order to avoid becoming a distraction to the operations and ongoing work of the Conference, Monsignor has resigned effective immediately,” Gomez added.
The memo came after the USCCB and Burrill were contacted by The Pillar regarding evidence of a pattern of sexual misconduct on Burrill’s part. Burrill did not respond to questions from The Pillar before his resignation was announced to bishops.
Read the article from The Pillar here
1 Comment
Well these men seek out gay hustles. I saw a documentary that show a nice mover of gay priests, who indulge in gay orgies, with other clerics outside of the Vatican, on a Saturday night in a huge apartment. After their Dr sucked night sexual excess and perversion, they than begin rotating with absolution…each priest rotating to absolve the next for a night of red hot buggery. This insanity, this madness is /was going on, and it it the most diabolical thing I ever saw in a documentary. They like the status and power and easiness of being a cleric…but they still want to indulge in buggery and perversion. So sad…so shameful, it is almost incomprehensible that this behavior, was happening just down the streets from the Vatican. I’ve been to Rome with my wife, I know much of the town and where all the nice apartments are, so Romanesque and historical. Yet…within and behind this doors this tragic, shocking devilry was taking place. It could fil one with sorrow and despair 😞