Bishop Robert Barron’s Support of “Fr” James Martin and Their Promotion and Celebration of Sin
January 27, 2022
March 16, 2022Take a good look at this man. I would especially encourage bishops and priests to take a good look. When Pope Francis spoke heresy, this lone man mustered courage the likes of St. Nicholas of Myra and called the out the Holy Father. He was swiftly removed from the audience hall and Bergoglio accused him of being spiritually or mentally unstable – you know, the label he gives to everybody who disagrees with his agenda.
What prompted this man to get so angry, you ask? During this particular audience, the Holy Father said that the blasphemous are counted among the communion of the saints. Wishful thinking, perhaps?
The action of this man is an example of true strength. I repeat: bishops and clergy should take note, because it seems lately an unfortunate number of priests and bishops are more concerned with stroking their own … egos … than defending the truths of the faith. [Personally, I believe this obsession with body building is rooted in a subconscious (in some cases, conscious) homoerotic misinterpretation of the words of Frassati.]
A fine example of this unfortunate epidemic is Bishop Robert Barron.

Last week, I came across an outstanding observation of Bishop Barron. While some might dismiss it as “tabloid,” the article raises legitimate concerns. I hope you’ll click the link and read it for yourself.
I offer the following observation: People were rightly appalled at the behavior of Mr. Theodore McCarrick. (CNA refers to him as the “former Cardinal,” I won’t give him that dignity.) While most everybody was disgusted by “Uncle Teddy,” it seems many fail to see the red flags indicating that he is only one of numerous clerics who have desecrated the Church. When he was rector of the Mundelein Seminary, Barron recruited a bright-eyed young body builder to instruct seminarians on building a sculpted physique. That individual is now a prominent member of Barron’s staff. If this type of behavior doesn’t give you pause and make you reflect on the horrific accounts, we learned of McCarrick than I fear you are blinded by the overwhelming light of Bishop Barron’s tremendous ego.
What you may not know is that Bishop Barron operates as a sort of mobster boss. He has the money – and apparently the muscle to destroy anybody who stands in his way or offers even the smallest criticism of him. Perhaps that’s why there is not one among his brother bishops who would dare to show some real muscle and call Barron out for his inappropriate obsession with Atlas-esque muscle men.
It would serve the bishops well to remember that they approached Mr. McCarrick’s actions in the same way.
Speaking of a lack of muscle when it comes to calling out nonsense, let’s revisit Candlemas:
“The path of fraternity … is the anchor of salvation for humanity. … Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)
That’s a quote from our very own Holy Father. I would really like to know where this man gets his biblical theology sources because it’s certainly not from any of the writings I’ve studied. The “fraternity” he was speaking of was regarding his enthusiastic support of the ecumenical endeavor known as the Abrahamic Family House initiative. Look it up. Then read the writings of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich. You likely won’t sleep well after this homework assignment.
While not necessarily heresy, it’s another example of the questionable remarks we’ve heard from the Pope since the beginning of his pontificate. Aside from group affectionately known as the “Dubia Cardinals” where are the men of muscle? Why is it that an average guy with the courage of Athanasius and Jerome is the lone voice in calling out these blatantly stupid remarks?
Pope Francis constantly speaks of the so-called climate crisis. Truth be told; however, his remarks prove time and again that he is a gas bag that poses a bigger threat to the ozone than cow farts.

While we’re on the subject of blatant stupidity, let’s take a look at Bishop John Stowe of Lexington. He feels right at home with the LGBTQRSTUV community, and he was among the first to voice his opposition to the USCCB’s (weak) document on the Eucharist – but if you’re a member of the clergy who prefers to wear a biretta, you’d best steer clear of his diocese.

Stowe issued a “decree” last week reassuring the faithful of his commitment to being a company man to the agenda of the Holy See. It’s the same garbage we’ve seen from other bishops recently that, quite frankly, isn’t worth the paper on which it is printed. Once again, I raise the question: is there any muscle among the priests and bishops to call out the thoroughly unbecoming behavior Stowe has exhibited since his enthronement?
For priests and bishops, it’s time to accept a reality: true muscle is not demonstrated by posting photos of themselves working out in the gym or flexing their biceps on social media.
Rather, true muscle is demonstrated by offering fraternal correction to their brothers who have allowed ego to blind them from the true essence of their priestly vocation.
No offense, Father, but I’d rather you refrain from remembering me in your “sauna rosary,”
Sadly, there are few among the shepherds who are truly ready to flex such a muscle in order to protect the flock.
1 Comment
Mr. Dannebohm, my fellow traditional Catholic,
Read your article on 1Peter5 and saw mention of the SSPX. For several years now I have felt very deeply in my heart that the SSPX is the Remnant Church most accurately depicted in Ezechiel 9. I have hit a brick wall and have been banned from 1Peter5 under Steve Skojec, and rejected by the new 1Peter5, and banned by Life Site News for suggesting that the SSPX is the Remnant Church.
I have recently sent a series of 28 emails to Fr. Pagliarani, SSPX Superior General (If you give me an email address, I will send each one to you for your prayerful consideration.), most of which show the Scriptural basis for my contention that God has specifically spared them from the Vatican II Church (a Pastoral Council Church) which usurps God’s Council of Trent given by God to His Church to reclaim and clarify Christ’s teachings about His Divinely Instituted Church.
I believe that those true Catholics who are “sighing, and mourning for all the abominations that are committed in the midst thereof” (Ezechiel 9:4) (Francis Vatican II Church), and are trying to find the Church of Christ’s Witnesses depicted in Apocalypse 11:1~12, and Apocalypse 12, are, without knowing it, seeking to be a part of Christ’s Remnant. This is a Remnant like the one described by God to Elias in 3Kings 19:18, which Elias being a Priest, would also make this a Remnant of Priests similar to the SSPX; also in Apocalypse 20:6.
I include in this comment the most recent email sent yesterday to Fr. Pagliarani on this subject. I have been praying literally for years for God to hook me up with people of like mind so that His Remnant Church for our time can come to fruition. You are the first on this list. I will try to have Christ speak to you through me and His Scriptures and allow you to preserve your free will decisions. I am only emulating St. Peter in 2Peter 3:1:
“… I write to you, my dearly beloved, in which I stir up by way of admonition your sincere mind…”
After your prayerful consideration, please help me to know if you are in agreement with the considerations that I believe God has given me through His Holy Spirit and His Word in the Scriptures, and/or if there are others who you believe will be interested in hearing such considerations.
St. Paul has taught us that the end times began with Christ’s birth. In 2Peter 3:8, St. Peter strongly suggests that the time of man’s sojourn on this earth will only be about 6,000 years; and in biblical time, we are on the cusp of the beginning of the 7,000th year and the Era of Peace/the Triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. Time is of the essence. Therefore, the spreading of the knowledge of God’s Remnant is of paramount importance NOW! I don’t know about you, but it’s a great comfort to me to understand that St. Matthew 16:18 is fulfilled in Christ’s Remnant and therefore, in the SSPX if they will agree to head up that Remnant. After all, they are the only ones left of the Council of Trent Church and therefore truly Christ’s Remnant.
Your brother in Christ,
Fr. John Peter Boucher
Dear Superior General Fr. Pagliarani,
As you know, today is the Octave Day for the feast of the Solemnity of St. Joseph. You no doubt are also aware that the original feast was to celebrate St. Joseph as the Spouse/Head (the head of the woman is the man) of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and as Ephesians 5:23 states: “Because the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the Head of the Church. He is the savior of his body…” We received Christ through the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Spouse of St. Joseph, and so it also is true that we receive Christ through Holy Mother Church under the patronage of St. Joseph.
Mon Pére, in meditating upon this truth I was shown, I believe by the Holy Spirit, Apocalypse chapter 12 in a whole new light. Verse 2 describes the Woman clothed with the sun as “… being with child, She cried travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered.” (Apocalypse 12:2)
Mon Pére, the Remnant Church has been gestating in the womb of Holy Mother Church since Archbishop Lefebvre obeyed God by refusing Vatican II and its new gospel and arranged for the SSPX to be attached to Her womb. The SSPX, emulating Christ, has been in abeyance while God used them, the SSPX, to call the Vatican II people back to the Truth of the Primitive Rule which the SSPX, like St. Theresa of Avila and St. Juan de la Cruz, have preserved. All indications are as the people in that church have said: “We are not going back there!”
All the SSPX has been able to do is to watch the people of that church follow its new hierarchy and new teachings and get further and further away from the Truth of the Primitive Rule. In fact, they have completely abandoned the Dogmatic Rule of the Council of Trent Church in favor of the apostate rule of the Novus Ordo Church and Francis’ magisterium. In doing so, they have gotten further and further away from the Rule that Christ had set for His Church.
The great battle mentioned in Apocalypse 12:7 claimed them through Freemasonry as its prize. The two witnesses of Apocalypse 11 are the “two wings of a great eagle” of Apocalypse 12:14. The orphaned Remnant Church are the ones in that same verse 14, who are nourishing the True Holy Mother Church (the Council of Trent Church) “from the face of the serpent.”
The SSPX and those who hold the Faith with Her are the heart and soul of Christ’s Remnant… a small piece of the original.
They are the ones who are “the rest of Her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Apocalypse 12:17)
You say you must hold and preserve tradition. You say that there must be a visible Church. Can you not see that God brought Archbishop Lefebvre to the earth and to His Church to form those who will be His Remnant Church in the Tradition of His True Church?
You should also be asking yourselves the question, “If we say no, where can Christ go to find others who are trained as we are, and blessed as we are, to lead His Remnant Flock?”
Silence and temerity are not acceptable answers unless you want Him to know that you are refusing your assignment. Can I recommend people to come to you or should I continue to look for the “real” Remnant? I want what Christ wants. Do you?
One of Christ’s Watchmen …
Ezechiel 33:2~7,
Fr. John Peter Boucher
Ezechiel 33:2~7
(V2) “Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say to them: When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man, one of their meanest, and make him a watchman over them:
(V3) “And he see the sword coming upon the land, and sound the trumpet, and tell the people:
(V4) “Then he that heareth the sound of the trumpet, whosoever he be, and doth not look to himself, if the sword come, and cut him off: his blood shall be upon his own head.
(V5) “He heard the sound of the trumpet and did not look to himself, his blood shall be upon him: but if he look to himself, he shall save his life.
(V6) “And if the watchman see the sword coming, and sound not the trumpet: and the people look not to themselves, and the sword come, and cut off a soul from among them: he indeed is taken away in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at the hand of the watchman.
(V7) “So thou, O son of man, I have made thee a watchman to the house of Israel: therefore thou shalt hear the word from my mouth, and shalt tell it them from me.”
Are you, Fr. Davide, not a Watchman for the SSPX?