Joe Rogan slams The Vatican as a ‘country filled with pedophiles and stolen art’ and criticizes Popes for ‘covering up’ molestation scandals
July 29, 2022
Raping Kids Would’ve Gotten Me in Less Trouble, Says Defrocked Whistleblower Priest
August 11, 2022It appears that criminal cardinal Mahony is conducting a loyalty test for all diocesan priests in Los Angeles. The priests that do not ask Mahony for a portrait, will be blacklisted according to a source inside the Archdiocese
From: https://www.pillarcatholic.com/p/cardinal-mahonys-autograph-the-kirchensteuer
As you probably know, Cardinal Roger Mahony, the emeritus Archbishop of Los Angeles, is something of a persona non grata in Southern California. The cardinal’s ministry isn’t formally restricted in L.A. – he is a cardinal, after all, and subject only to the governance and good will of the Roman Pontiff.
But since Mahony retired in 2011, Los Angeles’ Archbishop Jose Gomez has made clear that the cardinal has no duties in the L.A. archdiocese. Still, +Roger has ruffled feathers in several diocesan cathedrals by having the temerity to show up at episcopal installations or anniversary celebrations.
Mahony, you see, has a record dating back to 1980 of mishandling allegations of clerical sexual abuse, in some cases rather brazenly. Memos and letters paint a picture of a cardinal far more concerned with institutional self-protection, and maybe with career advancement, than with the protection of vulnerable children.
The cardinal has issued a few tepid apologies over the years, but there’s a sense among many L.A. Catholics that his handling of sexual abuse cases was especially egregious, caused untold harm to children and families, cost the diocese millions, and has had serious consequences for a great many people — though none of them are actually named Roger Mahony.
But despite all that, Mahony – now 86 – never seems to display an instinct for laying low or maintaining a discreet profile. And a recent letter from the cardinal might take the cake.
On July 25, Mahony wrote to Los Angeles priests — the archdiocese confirmed for me yesterday the “personal communication from the Cardinal to his brother priests.”
The letter notified priests that Mahony has had a new self-portrait made.
The photograph, in which Mahony is holding a basket of loaves, is “meant to harmonize with the call of Pope Francis for us to be humbler, showing compassion and mercy, and being with our people in servant leadership.”
That’s right, the cardinal wrote to the L.A. presbyterate to notify them of his “humbler” self-portrait.
But…that’s not all.
Mahony wrote that he would “be more than delighted to send signed copy to any Archdiocesan priest who requests one.”
“I already sent a signed an 8 x 10 copy to all the Archdiocesan priests whom I have had the privilege to ordain to the Sacred Priesthood,” Mahony explained, lest any of them feel they’d be forgotten.
Still, for other interested priests, “the 8 x 10 photo will be sent, of course, free of charge.”
I’m sure plenty of them would have been willing to pay. Someone should.
1 Comment
I’m sure Roger never dreamed back in the 90’s that 30 years later, when he was an old disgraced prelate, that he would view websites such as this… referring to him as “criminal”, pervert, sociopath, degenerate et al. And yet, this is the reality of his life now, his horrific past is now staring at him, he’s a joke, a pariah, spurned by so many for being crowned “king of the cockroaches”🪳