Bishop Robert Barron’s Disturbing Musclemen Fetish is a Scandal by Itself
January 28, 2023
The Evildoers Responsible For The Child Sexual Abuse Cover-Ups and In Charge of Protecting Criminals In The Clergy at The Archdiocese Of Los Angeles
February 11, 2023Meet the people that have systematically protected and defended child abusing, child and adult (seminarians) raping clergy members and at the same time destroyed all the victims that have come forward in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. They all have something in common, they all were hired and continue to work for criminal Cardinal Roger Mahony. Mahony hired them and they are loyal to him and to him only. Archbishop Jose Gomez just follows their orders.

Criminal Cardinal Roger Mahony “The Queen Bee”: Personally accused of child molestation and rape. Currently awaiting trial for the latest credible accusation. Responsible for protecting and covering up the crimes of hundreds if not thousands of priests and Archdiocese employees. Leader of the gay mafia in the clergy. Still a “priest in good standing” and complete control of the Archdiocese, the St. John’s Seminary, and the clergy in Los Angeles.

Margaret “Marge” Graf, the Archdiocese Attorney is also known as “The Queen of Darkness.” Hired by Mahony to defend and protect him and Mahony’s band of pedophiles and homosexual priests and employees. At an estimated $650,000/year salary and with a billion dollar checkbook, she is the queen of darkness. If you plan to meet her in person, take a heavy-duty (nuclear-level) gas mask. Her breath smells like an open sewer and her body odor smell like sulfur. She is one evil person , and she smells like hell, literally.

Randolph “Randy” Steiner, the Archdiocese’s Chief Financial Officer. Also hired by Mahony and a loyal and active member of Mahony’s inner homosexual circle. Steiner’s main job was to shield and hide all the Archdiocese assets from the sexual abuse victims. Steiner was in charge of creating over 300 independent non-profit corporations, one for each parish, so the land and assets of each parish would not be assets of the Archdiocese.

Bishop Thomas Curry, “the fixer.”. Mahony’s closest ally, another homosexual pervert whose current job is to train accused priests on how to lie and deny all wrong doings. He worked with Mahony in orchestrating all the cover ups and is currently actively working on protecting Mahony and all his gang of homosexuals. According to inside sources, Curry is one of the most deranged homosexuals and sex addicts in the Archdiocese.

J Michael Hennigan aka “The Walking Dead.” Mahony’s personal attorney. Mahony hired him and still works for him. Responsible for defending and protecting all clergy and employees of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Currently defending over 450 lawsuits filed under California Law AB-218. We estimate that this evildoer is getting a flat fee of about $75,000 per lawsuit. Do the math.

Lee Potts, aka “The Rat.” A short, ugly, homosexual, narcissist evildoer is also Mahony’s personal attorney. Mahony hired him and still works for him. Responsible for defending and protecting all clergy and employees of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Currently defending over 450 lawsuits filed under California Law AB-218. Potts bills de Archdiocese $1,200/hour for his services. Lee Potts looks and moves like a rat. He is a rat.

Archbishop Jose Gomez. “The gay puppet” According to people working for the archdiocese and seminarians, Gomez is also an active homosexual. His job: do what Mahony and Marge tell him to do.
The Order of Hospitallers in Los Angeles have harbored two known pedophiles within their walls. The campus is located on the corner of Western and AdamsBlvd. Brother Bernard Kevin McGrath who was a religious brother in Australia raped, and sodomized dozens of developmentally male arhat lived their infirmaries in Queensland and New South Wales. This demonic monk would threaten them with violence if they reported him and a number of his victims committed suicide due to the violence and psychological trauma he inflicted upon them over a period of many years. He used drugs with young people he was instructed to help them get off the streets. Instead this miscreant began using drugs and molesting them, even raping some. I met this demonic religious back in the early 90’s at the Saint John of God retirement and care center. I asked him what he was doing at the facility, he just shrugged and said, oh, just hanging out, trying to get well”…words to that effect. In point of fact, this “walking filth” was hiding from the authorities, and he was being hidden from the authorities who were hunting for him, due to the disclosure of countless victims who came forth, after years of physical and psychological torture at the hands of this serial rapist. Brother Brian O’Donnell was the prior General of this worldwide community of religious men, who work in the healthcare apostolate of the Church. Brother Stephen DeLaRosa, OH was the superior and provincial of this community of Saint John of God Brothers in Los Angeles. These brothers hired an alcoholic priest by the name of Father Matt Sprouffske, who was a disgraced Carmelite priest who was sn embarrassment to his community of fellow priests so they dumped this cockroach on the Hospitallers to function as the chaplain for the care canter. This maggot was arrested later and convicted of child molestation, for assaulting his niece and another child. He enjoyed scandalizing the senior citizens who lived on these grounds by telling them he enjoyed blessing rubbers for hookers who walked the mean streets of Hollywood. I believe I may have met at least one or two other Hospitaller brothers from Australia, who were being hunted by the Australian authorities as well as Interpol. The Los Angeles County District Attorney should investigate this community of religious, due to their nefarious and diabolical history of harboring and hiring pedophiles and child molesters, who either worked or lived on these grounds back in the 1990’s. Another priest named Father Ganahl who was a chaplain to these Brothers in Apple Valley was also arrested for child molestation and passed away in Corona California.
While I completely understand that these people do much evil according to the descriptions, reading “body odor” and other such descriptors are not necessary.
Such people are difficult–if not impossible for sime to pray for. Do you think that they are beyond redemption?
I am as disgusted and angry about them as you are for their evil network. Imo, such descriptors only serve to lower the writer to the level of these people.
My syntax and post were written in to much haste, sorry folks for the grammatical errors. Just to clarify, google “fake” brother Kevin McGrath OH. He is still in prison, and I believe a member in hood standing with the Hospitaller Order in Australia. This violent, dangerous miscreant is a stone cold “savage”. The reprehensible nature of his crimes are so harrowing, they defy comprehension. While he was in hiding, he
lived in Los Angeles on the corner of Western and AdamsBlvd, at the Saint John of God Retirement and Care Center. While he was a fugitive from the law, Brother Brian O’Donnell was living at the Motherhouse in Rome. He was the Prior General of this worldwide order of religious brothers. The local superior in Los Angeles was Brother Stephen de La Rosa O.H.. while this serial rapist was in hiding, the demonic cleric Matthew Sprouffske, a failed Carmelite priest was functioning as the Chaplain, and lived on these grounds at about the same time. This stinking pile of offal was busted for child molestation of a family member who was a minor, and one of her friends. This maggot has since passed away, but his reign of scandal, shame and terror linger…This religious community of brothers has harbored a number of fugitives from the law, and I believe they have harbored many, many more, especially from the continent of Australia. It is my hope that this religious community and its superiors are investigated by the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles County District Attorneys Office, for its nefarious and sinister past in the concealment and harboring of these criminals.