February 23, 2024
The scandals haunting Pope Francis
April 27, 2024Cardinal Dolan Has NY Catholics Unknowingly Fund Accused Sex Abusers
NEW YORK, March 8, 2024 More than 3,300 recent sex abuse lawsuits in New York State naming 2 cardinals, 11 bishops, and over 1,100 priests have brought to light explosive new revelations against Cardinal Timothy Dolan and other Church leaders. After the Child Victims Act and Adult Survivors Act brought to light some of the New York Archdiocese’s darkest sexual secrets, a new investigation has uncovered multiple cases where Dolan is still keeping prominent priests named in legal filings in parishes and schools.
The investigation is detailed in the video report, “FROM PREDATORS TO PASTORS?”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wuy4kCfYQU
The report identifies accused priests Dolan has kept in ministry in the face of egregious sexual allegations. Examples revealed in the investigation include a priest Dolan allowed to remain “Pastor” of a prestigious Manhattan parish while being named in 11 sex abuse lawsuits; a current New York Archdiocese official Dolan is rewarding with high positions despite the fact that he is the subject of a sex abuse criminal police complaint; and a priest Dolan is keeping as head of a New York parish after he admitted committing sexual misconduct with a seminarian.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) calls for accused priests to be removed “primarily to assure that children are not in danger should it prove true that the cleric has committed acts of abuse.” The investigation reveals that Dolan is repeatedly failing to do so.
Victims’ legal complaints recount graphic sexual abuse by high-ranking priests and maintain that their abuse could have been avoided had the New York Archdiocese been transparent about their alleged abusers. Without concern for the safety of children and vulnerable adults, Dolan is leaving a number of these priests at the helm of New York parishes and elementary schools, many times without ever revealing the priests’ reported abuses to the public.
In 2018, Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley reported Dolan to Pope Francis’ U.S. representative, Cardinal Christophe Pierre, for keeping a predator priest in ministry despite a large settlement paid to one of his victims. More than five years later, the Vatican has yet to discipline the New York prelate.
Catholics who are outraged by Dolan hiding accused priests in their parishes are beginning to take their fight for accountability to the Courts. The investigation cites the case of St. Frances de Chantal parishioners in the Bronx who filed suit against Dolan after he failed to remove their accused disgraced Pastor, Father Peter Miqueli. Dolan was discovered to have sidelined complaints that Miqueli embezzled over $1 million from parish funds to pay for “drug-fueled sex romps.” It has been unknown to the public until now that Miqueli is also the subject of a separate lawsuit accusing him of sexually abusing a minor around the same time Dolan was burying misconduct complaints against him.
The internal Church “investigations” Dolan routinely uses to hide credible allegations have proven incapable of addressing sexual abuse. These so-called “investigations” are often plagued with deceptive tactics and conflicts of interest; discard critical evidence needed to objectively investigate allegations; fail to interview witnesses; and often re-victimize clerical abuse victims.
Dolan sends a strong message that he stands with predators instead of victims every time he fails to warn parishioners and leaves accused sex abusers in parishes and schools. The damning revelations come as Dolan launches his annual Cardinal’s Appeal touting a goal to rake in more than $21 million from New York parishioners. A growing number of Catholics who see how their contributions are being used to fund accused priests secretly kept in ministry are withholding their donations until Dolan is laicized. Until the Vatican defrocks Dolan for secretly promoting accused priests, more victims will be harmed because they never knew their abusers went from Predators to Pastors.
Anyone who wishes to share additional information about abuse cover-ups may write to Gene Thomas Gomulka, clerical sex abuse victims’ advocate, at msgr.investigations@gmail.com.
I wanted to return to the Church but I’m so disgusted with these perverts that are in charge that I’m repulsed by the sight of them. I find it hard to look at them without thinking of their crimes.
On Good Friday, today – they have inserted a note by a woman named, Cohen, that tells us to ignore the historic teachings of the New Testament on Jews and the role they played in crucifying Jesus Christ. I find this equally disgusting. These animals are assaulting the words of God and the Apostles.
“Christ is King”
In hindsight after meeting these Australian Hospitallers, it’s clear that the 5-6 brothers who were cycling through the Saint John of God Monastery and Care Center in Los Angeles, they were cycling through to Jemez Springs in New Mexico. This was the useless treatment center in New Mexico that these debased child molesters were allegedly going to for treatment. They weren’t treated, they were hiding and chilling out like it was a desert Club Med. These “faux” brothers were clearly being hunted by the authorities for monstrous crimes in Australia and New Zealand, and I observed them drinking, talking bawdy, mocking aspects of religious life and the sacred tradition of the Church, while relaxing in Los Angeles. All of these brothers from Australia were in LA on western and AdamsBlvd because they were being sought for serial rape and child molestation at The Hebron Trust and the Marylands school in New South Wales. This serial victimization and rape, was conducted in a pattern that was ritualistic, with a demonic theme. The Prime Minister of New Zealand and Australia are working to close all Hospitaller facilities, and removing/deporting all these vile, contemptible fake monks to other countries. The historical transcripts and legal documents that I have culled from the internet, describe a religious community of men, so devoid of love, empathy and conscience, that they inculcated these little needy, disabled children into an ongoing cycle of molestation, terror, and numerous forms of psychological and spiritual abuse that can only be called “satanic”. It is my hope that Brother Brian O’Donnell, OH, is dispensed of his solemn vows, and prosecuted for crimes against humanity, as they are international in scope, spanning countries and continents.
I continued to read and research the history, concerning the depth and scope of the criminal and perverse nature of the Hospitaller Order in Australia and New Zealand. I want to cycle back to earlier transmissions that were posted, to give greater detail about the activity of Brother Bernard Kevin McGrath. This imprisoned and defrocked brother, will be in prison the rest of his tragic, sordid life. Young men who were victimized by this satanic monk, stated that brother Bernard, would conduct an abuse ritual, where he would have them kneeling in a circle. He would place his penis in their mouths, going in a counterclockwise circle, and do this until he had completion. He, along with brother Roger Moloney, would then terrify and threaten these disabled children, stating that they would be done away with, if they ever disclosed these demonic acts of abuse to their family or others within the church…words to that effect. As these abuse rituals were going on, the other brother, whoever was not violating these children would stand guard, often laughing and mocking the children, as they were being harmed and brutalized. Clearly, it was brought up in court documents and depositions, that this behavior was ongoing for many years. These two evildoers would beat these children, threaten them, and tell them that they were headed to hell anyways, so why fight the abuse and unstoppable assault. These developmentally delayed children were terrified and brutalized even into adulthood, still be abused and brutalized at the hands of these two brothers and at least a dozen more monks, who shared in this demonic revelry and abuse. I cried, I wept with sorrow reading these transcripts of horror, which traumatized me as much as reading about the brutality that holocaust survivors endured. What makes these religious brothers so damnable, is they were consecrated, religious men within the Church, following the rule of Saint Augustine! These devils were following only one rule…” the rule of molestation”. Brother Brian O’Donnell was made aware of the satanic ritual abuse of these children numerous times, and he contrived over and over, to conceal and hide these evildoers from the authorities, who were seeking them out for arrest and trial. He employed the “geographic cure” , spiriting away these brothers to the United States, concealing them in Los Angeles, at the Saint John of God Retirement and Care Center on Western and Adams Blvd. He then denied when questioned, openly lied and bullied and threatened staff, who came forward, calling them liars, and terminating many of them from work, after they came forward. Brother Brian O’ Donnell should be incarcerated for having his Mephistophelian hand in the monstrously evil activity, in the ongoing sexual and ritual abuse of these molested children, that was ongoing for decades in both New Zealand and Australia . At present the constabulary arm of the government in New Zealand is looking to remove all Hospitaller brothers from this nation, and to close all of its infirmaries and institutions of molestation and deviance that are in these two countries.