The scandals haunting Pope Francis
April 27, 2024
BREAKING: Archbishop Viganò accuses Pope Francis of ‘the same abuses’ as Cardinal McCarrick
May 30, 2024Pope Francis said his conservative critics within the Roman Catholic Church in the United States are trapped in a “suicidal attitude,” according to an interview with CBS.
During the April 24 interview with “60 Minutes” that will air this Sunday, Pope Francis was asked his thoughts on the conservative backlash against his papacy, with many of his critics being American clergy members.
Pope Francis responded by saying a conservative is someone who “clings to something and does not want to see beyond that.”
“It is a suicidal attitude,” the pontiff said, according to a brief transcript excerpt made available by CBS Thursday.
“Because one thing is to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past, but quite another is to be closed up inside a dogmatic box.”
Pope Francis has clashed with the conservative wing almost since he was elected as head of the church in 2013.
Moves conservatives have opposed include papal attempts to make the church more welcoming to the LGBT community and to give lay people more responsibility in the church.
Francis last year dismissed a conservative U.S. bishop who was a withering critic of his papacy, and said the conservative wing in the U.S. church was “reactionary.” He also stripped a conservative American cardinal of some Vatican privileges.
(Reporting by Brad Brooks in Longmont, Colorado; Editing by Alexandra Hudson)
Now Bergoglio has been heard and seen laughing about “ fruiters” in the seminary, and little tinkerbell priests. Is this an act to fake everyone out? Is this a case of duplicity, or something else? My take is that it is a contrived bit of theatrics on his part, to appease conservatives and also, to keep the media and masses confused, 🤔 in order to throw a smokescreen over his true machinations. I don’t believe he cares that the seminary is flooded with “ queens”, or that the lions share of the priesthood is gay. He is enjoying playing both sides, it’s all a game…another example of his warped pontificate.
The Hospitaller Order in Los Angeles, has harbored numerous pedophile rapist brothers, and priests. These diabolical figures were being stashed on the corner of western and Adams Blvd., for many months, even years, while the authorities were hunting for these sexual deviants, from the countries of Australia, NewZealand as well as Interpol. The men who were harbored at the Saint John of God Retirement and Care Center, were later prosecuted and convicted for child molestation and rape. Three primary figures were involved in this nefarious coverup. They are: Brother Brian O’Donnell, O.H., Brother Stephen de la Rosa, O.H., and Cardinal Roger Mahony. Without equivocation, these three figures within the hierarchy of the Church and their respective religious orders, were active in the harboring of known fugitives and felons, from abroad and here in the states. The D.A. as well as the Attorney General and Department of Justice should be made aware of this activity, along with local authorities, such as the Los Angeles Police Department. This activity may still be going on as it was in the 1990’s, I met a number of these criminals, when they were “laying low”, hoping the nightmare would dissipate like a morning fog…it never goes away…google Brother Brian O’Donnell O.H., read all about his shameful, vile history as a leader of these religious miscreants! This man should be in prison along with his buddy Brother Bernard Kevin McGrath, who is in prison in Australia, probably until his life ends upon this earth. The abuse and molestation of the victims of these “faux” brothers, is so shocking and tragic, it brings one to 😭 tears. The abuse that was practiced was “ritual” abuse, that had satanic and occult overtones. This entire religious order needs to be investigated on a worldwide level, to determine the scope and gravity of the serial molestation that has been going on for decades in these Hospitaller schools and infirmaries, across the globe. The reign of terror and molestation that this order has wrought against defenseless, vulnerable children needs to be broadcast loudly, to ensure it ends forever, cannot manifest ever again.