July 15, 2024
“Cardinal” Roger Mahony covered up molesting priests for decades. The price: $1.5 billion and so much pain
October 21, 2024“Dave” was in the eighth grade when he felt a calling to the priesthood. Having been an altar boy since the third grade, Dave grew up with a sense that God was very close to him. When he served a very early 5:30 am monthly Mass for the nuns in their convent, he would fearlessly trudge through the snow when it was still dark, trusting that God was watching over him.
As devout Catholics, Dave’s parents were proud to have a priest in their family, even if they had to wait twelve years before he would be ordained. In the early 1960s, when there were many Catholic high school seminaries in the United States, Dave enrolled in one in a neighboring state away from the watchful eyes of his parents. If one were to ask Dave if he were a heterosexual or homosexual at the age of 14 when he left his family, he would not have known how to answer. While he made friends with boys and girls in grade school, he never once thought of engaging in any form of sexual behavior.
What neither Dave nor his family realized was that high school seminaries were established to recruit boys to become priests before they “discovered girls.” It was not long before Dave was befriended in the seminary by a priest faculty member who gave him small gifts and who taught him how to play tennis. Without realizing what was happening, Dave was slowly being groomed which in time evolved into a homosexual relationship. Even though Dave interpreted their sexual acts as manifestations of their friendship and love, he knew that he had to keep this activity hidden from his family.
By being introduced to gay sex in an all-male environment during his period of psychosexual development, Dave’s chances of staying and being ordained a priest were significantly higher than a heterosexually formed candidate who might be more inclined to leave and one day marry. Certainly, forgoing having a wife and children in one’s life on this Earth is a far, far greater sacrifice than abstaining from homosexual acts which the Church teaches to be “intrinsically disordered.” During the twelve years that Dave was in high school, college, and major seminaries, he came to accept the fact that he had become a homosexual, a fact supported by relationships he had with other gay seminarians and priests.
After Dave had not been living a celibate life in the seminary, he did not change his behavior after he was ordained, particularly when he had gotten to know a number of priests and even bishops who were sexually active. Because he was able to engage in sexual relations without any consequences before his ordination, and because he viewed gay sex as a form of love and friendship, he proceeded to groom boys in his parish just as he was groomed around the same age in the seminary.
When the priest in the seminary who introduced Dave to gay sex before he could “discover girls” was named a bishop and got Dave appointed to be the vice-rector of a prestigious seminary, Dave became very confident that he too would someday be made a bishop.
Most young victims of sexual abuse do not report what happened to them for decades. Likewise, the boys whom Father Dave groomed and abused before his appointment to the seminary did not report this to their parents or others for many years. When some young men did come forward years after Father Dave had abused them, his bishop, also a homosexual, negotiated out-of-court settlements and had Dave transferred out to another diocese headed by a homosexual bishop with whom he studied at the North American College (NAC) in Rome. While serving in a diocese many states removed from his home diocese, Dave continued to lead an active gay lifestyle outside of his parish where no one knew he was a Catholic priest.
Requesting to be closer to his aging parents, Dave’s bishop allowed him to return to the diocese and had him assigned to a parish far from the one where he abused some of his altar boys. When a State Grand Jury undertook an investigation into clerical sex abuse which prompted more men to come forward claiming to have been groomed and abused by Dave, the bishop was forced under the threat of multiple lawsuits to remove Dave from ministry. Dave moved into a building that was intended to house retired priests. In time, the number of priests removed for predatory behavior outnumbered the priests who were living there in retirement.
When Dave died years after he was removed from ministry, his obituary made no mention of his abuse allegations or out-of-court financial settlements. Dave’s funeral was conducted in his home parish and he was buried near his parent’s grave.
Unfortunately, Dave is only one of tens of thousands of priests who were recruited into the gay seminary culture. Once they were “turned,” they knew they did not want to be outed to their parents, relatives, and friends. This meant that they would stay and spend the rest of their lives living in a closet built by the institutional church.
Many priests like Dave were reported for abuse and removed from ministry. Others were reported, but the allegations were ruled “unsubstantiated” by closeted gay bishops and diocesan officials who, in many cases, were as guilty as the accused priests. Finally, there are many other active homosexual predator priests who have escaped being accused or removed, and who continue to hold very high positions in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.
While parents were never informed how their sons were being groomed and abused in seminaries, their sexually corrupted sons felt compelled to remain in the institutional Church where they felt safe from being outed and protected by homosexual bishops and chancery officials. Rectors, faculty members, and vocational directors who became bishops, archbishops, and cardinals often made sure that the victims of their homosexual predation were promoted or their abuse covered up, thereby ensuring that their secrets would never be revealed. Straight seminarians and priests who were viewed as threats to outing the priestly homosexual fraternity were not promoted and, in many cases, were covertly or unabashedly encouraged to leave the priesthood; get married; or just die.
Catholics are mistaken if they believe the biggest cover-up on the part of the hierarchy involves the true amount of sexual abuse in the Church. There are two other cover-ups that are even greater: 1) The number of closeted homosexuals in the episcopacy, the priesthood, and the seminaries; and 2) The number of priests who practice celibacy at any given point in time. Catholics who say priests should not be allowed to marry and remain celibate are naive and uninformed to believe that celibacy has actually been observed by most priests since it was mandated in the early twelfth century. Richard Sipe, the late psychotherapist and expert on priestly sexuality, estimated that no more than half of all priests practice celibacy at any given point in time. Furthermore, he documented how no more than 2 percent of priests report having practiced celibacy throughout their entire lives. While many gay men enter the seminary at the invitation of gay bishops and priests without any intention of practicing celibacy, straight candidates are not told what their chances really are of leading lifelong celibate lives.
When one newly ordained celibate straight priest went on his first priestly retreat, a senior priest of the diocese counseled him, “Now that you are ordained, I want to advise you that when you fool around, you should never do it with anyone in your parish.” When one gay priest confided in his bishop that he entered a civil marriage with another man, the bishop said, “Just keep it quiet and avoid being seen together in your parish.” Interestingly, the straight priest later met a woman, and instead of leading a double life, he left the priesthood to marry and have a family. The gay priest, after leading a double life, did not want to continue hiding his gay relationship and also left the priesthood to resettle with his partner in another state. True stories such as these are hidden from the laity who have no idea how difficult it is for priests to practice celibacy.
According to a 2011 study by psychologist Alan P. Bell and the sociologist Martin S. Weinberg, 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime; 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. According to a 2018 study in the Journal of Sex Research, straight men report an average of 14 lifetime sex partners. Given the great difference in the number of sex partners between gay and straight men, it is not surprising how much gay sex takes place in seminaries, and how gay priests are generally far more sexually active than straight priests who may admit to falling in love “once every decade.”
When Father “Frank” was accused and found guilty of abusing a teenage boy, he disclosed to the District Attorney that he himself was abused when he was a seminarian. Sadly, most predator priests were themselves abused like Dave and Frank, and in many cases their abusers became bishops and even members of the College of Cardinals like ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
If Fathers Dave or Frank were your sons whose lives you entrusted to Church officials only for them to be used as “young meat” by priest seminary officials or older gay seminarians, how might you react? Would you encourage straight men to dedicate their lives to serving an institution that covers up abuse; that hides the predominance of heterophobic closeted gay clergy; and that misleads candidates into believing they will be able to keep the promise of celibacy or vow of chastity they made when they were ordained? These are questions that are never raised with prospective seminarians or their parents. In the meantime, clerical sexual predation and homosexual misconduct continue unabated.
Gene Thomas Gomulka is a sexual abuse victims’ advocate, investigative reporter, and screenwriter. A former Navy (O6) Captain/Chaplain, seminary instructor, and diocesan respect life director, Gomulka was ordained a priest for the Altoona-Johnstown diocese and later made a Prelate of Honor (Monsignor) by St. John Paul II.
Beautifully written article Gene. It clearly shows the perverse antisocial architecture of these predator clerics, and the lengths these vermin will go to, in order to satiate the homosexual lust they harbor. They are so foul and detestable, it defies comprehension
Years ago when I was in religious life, I visited Mexico for 3 months, to experience “America Latina”. While living at this monastery/psych hospital, the brother I went there with was a flaming homosexual. His room was adjacent to mine and the walls were thin. Every night around 9 PM like clockwork, I could hear this degenerate “pleasuring himself”. I heard him clearly moaning and groaning , and he would let out a very large moan, just as he climaxed. This filthy brother was a sexual deviant and was not exercising any self control as he masturbated nightly. I called him out on this behavior one morning and told him he could not serve as the acolyte that morning and most certainly could not receive communion. This impious brother/monk, laughed it off and up he went with his hands extended receiving communion! His lust and self abuse was out of control, and he blithely had no problem being in a daily state of mortal sin, and receiving the sacraments. This is just some of the sacrilege and hypocrisy I witnessed on a daily basis when I was a religious. Fraudsters, that’s what these gay men were…fraudsters. They can’t cut it in the real world so they hide in a monastery jerking off, acting gay, and even pursuing gay hustles on the sly. This is all true, and this was the image and impression that was burned indelibly in my head, when I reflect on my experiences in religious life.
I had the misfortune in 1979-80, of encountering the pedophile and sexual deviant Fr. Pat Roemer. This vile rapist and reprobate was a cunning human predator for a number of years in my community. A man who ruined and destroyed the lives of children, and the trust of parents and parishioners who encountered him as priest and pastor. Pat Roemer took me and my friend to the movies, and out for pie and hamburgers in Fillmore, during the summer of 1980. This demonic creature even took me to his parents home in Fillmore California, that had citrus and avocado trees in the acreage behind the rustic home. He terrified me in the darkened home that late afternoon, as the setting sun provided a small shaft of dwindling light, in the gloomy, darkening home. He proceeded to share with me how he had taken others to the family home, and that the pictures of his grandparents on the wall would follow you around the room, and that doors would and close all by themselves. Pretty strange stuff for a priest to be sharing with a trusting impressionable 15 year old. Clearly he was taking pleasure in trying to frighten me. He even refused to turn the lights on, and the house was becoming progressively more ominous and took on an aura of true menace, compounded by the eerie stories he was now telling for dramatic and frightening effect. In his car that night, which was a powder blue Pontiac he said to me something outside of Perkos coffee shop, something that I’ll never forget, making a statement that to this day chills my blood. I asked him if people could “really get possessed, like the girl in the movie The Exorcist”? He looked at me, and forming his right hand in the shape of a claw stated… “I’m the devil”! He growled it, in a theatrical voice for obvious effect. He was now smiling and even grinned at me, as if his statement was somehow amusing…I tried not to speak with him that night, on the way home, I was terrified and traumatized during this fateful evening. I never spoke with him again, and he was arrested some months later. I found out about his arrest in school, in my journalism class. I never spoke of him again, until many years later. On my part, I made a subconscious decision, never to speak or think of him, it was as if he never existed. My conscious mind would not allow him to manifest, this defense mechanism of denial protected me from emotional trauma that could only hurt me, not help me. Of all the dreadful priests and religious I encountered in my life, he stands out as a monster among monsters. He died some years ago, and in all likelihood has become very well acquainted with the devil and his minions since his demise. I ask myself, what purpose did he serve in ever becoming part of my life, however brief that may have been? I look back on him now as if he were an archetype of evil…a “grim realer” in clerical garb. This is a man I believe now, was “ perfectly possessed “. This is a rare and gravely spiritual state, rarely encountered even amongst those who are possessed by an evil inhuman spirit.
I was told by a former priest and now “ legal eagle” that even auxiliary bishop John Ward was “ bad news”. I was heartbroken and crestfallen, as I was convinced he was one of the few good ones. Unfortunately, this cockroach was bad news too, “bigtime bad news”! John Ward was also instrumental in playing “hide the pedophile” for many years in the archdiocese of Los Angeles. Here was a man who was a “man’s man”, definitely not a “fruit boot”. He was very traditional, even said the Novus Ordo mass in Latin! Instead of displaying true transparency, this clown 🤡, along with Curry and quite a few other fake bishops, have been involved in the coverup and concealment of the gravely sinful homosexual nightmare that has existed, and continues to flourish in this archdiocese, nation and around the globe. Maggots like Pat Roemer, Mike Baker, Pat Zeimann, Eric Ensey, et al-were an outgrowth of the corrupt, homosexual seminaries which spawned them. They were not only gay…but were evil, corrupt profligates, who delighted in buggery and pederasty, not to mention the spiritual corruption of trusting young men and Catholic parishioners, who turned to them for spiritual direction and the sacraments. I am absolutely appalled and shaken by these ongoing intelligences that continue to manifest, as “ more will be revealed”, exposing the gay seminary rectors, who prowl around these “seed plots”, like hungry wolves seeking to prey upon young men, to satiate their demonic, homosexual lust.
This is an interesting and heartbreaking narrative about a young man, who was gay, who got sexually exploited by an older man, who was a priest, whilst in the seminary. Not only was the priest gay, he was a pederast and buggerer of boys. Sickening, scandalous and yes…even demonic. Today is the feast of Saint Jerome a great doctor within our Church, imagine the sorrow he harbors viewing this seminary depravity, which has been a hallmark of darkness and corruption for decades, even centuries. Like sausage links, homosexual perverts have been ordained and churned out in overflow numbers around the globe, dating back to the Middle Ages. What do these “fake” priests believe happens to them when they die? A life steeped in ignominy and the vice of lust and sensuality. As I type this transmission and drink my Diet Pepsi, I am looking at a couple enjoying each others company. Male and female, who may became married someday. She’s beautiful and looks to be of Indian descent, it’s understandable why he is enamored with her. That’s normal healthy, and the biological wiring of man toward woman, the natural order of sexuality which begins through physical attraction. Sadly, reading this narrative about an old gay man grooming this adolescent so he can get his rocks off in his rear end, is just to much! Also perverse is having two nuns/sisters, “ clam bumping” in the convent, and “ carpet munching” behind closed doors. I met a bumper crop of diesel dyke nuns, who really grossed me out. Strangely enough I met a few who were looking for male hustles, one even wore a mini dress, sans hose, and completed the screwy ensemble with a pair of “slide on mules” Wrap your head around that! When the truth is this ugly…only a lie can be beautiful